health and safety announcement | session arrangements Due to the recent Coronavirus situation and my first hand experience on watching 10 seasons of The Walking Dead, all home/indoor photo session will be postponed until the situation is stabilised. Same goes to outdoor shoots at crowded locations / tourist spots. ONLY outdoor shoots at open locations will be shot as scheduled. (If you have scheduled an outdoor shoot with me at an open outdoor location and still have the slightest worries, text me for a reschedule anyway😎) Yes, I need income to survive. But nothing comes close to the health of you and your loved ones. It's our duty to do whatever it takes to minimise the chance of spreading the virus. 基於新冠狀病毒肺炎疫情嘅情況同埋我多年睇喪屍片嘅經驗,所有室內或比較密集地點嘅拍攝全部將會延期,直至情況穩定。 而其他係比較開揚嘅戶外拍攝就照常,但如果你都係擔心嘅話,冇問題一樣可以延期。(隨時text我傾傾) 我絕對需要收入,但而家非常時期。冇嘢緊要得過健康!作為香港人更加應該盡量減低病毒傳播機會。 希望各位行家大師亦響應並作出相應安排。 萬分感激 好人一生平安!🙏 Nick web: IG: personal projects: email: mob: +852 9300 4889 whatsapp: #outdoorportrait #standardedit #family #outdoor #portrait #hk #organic #natural #lifestyle #toddler #freehk #infant #NTphotography #casual #familyportraits #kidsportraits #naturallight #yourmoments
health and safety announcement | session arrangements
Updated: Apr 2, 2024