my story

I have a very strong focus on family/maternity portraits. I do love kids, but that isn't the reason...
Year 2007 on thanksgiving day I used the very finger that I press my camera shutter to turn off my mom's life support machine. I held her in from warm to cold, my eyes were as good as a completely off focus F1.2 lens. Heartbreaking? Yes! But there was no other way.

Growing up as a child there were a lot of things I did not understand. Not until she left me to a place without pain, I started to understand things a little better. I can't help but be amazed at what a mom can do for their kids. For as long as i know, she has always... ALWAYS been providing the best of any human being could possibly do for their kids.
Knowing the obstacles she had to face, I couldn't come up with a better explanation other than having superpowers. Obviously, me being the kid that made her pulls her own hair out daily didn't exactly make things any easier.

The main reason what you are looking at exists is because I didn't have any good photos of me and mom, there's literally almost nothing I can dig out. So by being a family photographer, I'm hoping to do as much as I can to make sure no one else will have the same kind of regret in life.
From an income/business prospective I truly understand what I do isn't the best area.
But all my mom wanted for me is to be happy, to be able to do what I love and I m doing exactly that.
I would say I have much more respect for moms than an average person. Someday given the ability I would like to do greater and bigger things for moms in need. So to me it was crystal clear since the first day of my photography career that I only want to work with moms. I can't say I will stick to that for the rest of my life, but I will for as long as I can.